Robert C - introduction

Hello Folks,

I've been reading posts here for ages, and when i logged in this evening, had an invite to post an intro. That's cool, thanks for the invite.

I'm RobertC from South Carolina, and had a 1969 or 1970 Sensation Mike Bike when I was 13, 14 , and 15 years old. My Granddad bought it for me new, at Paul Rose department store. I rode it like crazy all over his 48 acres, and any country road within a mile or two of his house. Mike Bike was at cousins house after i got my license, and to my dissappointment, it 'disappeared' ?

Anyway, i've always wanted another one. Had a couple of manco's 10 or so years ago, and a two seater go-kart - my step kids had fun with them, then i gave them to my brother in law for his kids, and they too had great fun !

Kept reading posts this year, and any articles i could find about mini-bikes, and got the itch (a bad itch) to own another one. (My kid's will be of age to ride here in a few years, and I used that as a good excuse !)

The first one i found that was close enough, and priced right, is a late 60's War Eagle (I think it's some sort of a Wren, but see nothing but the 'War Eagle' decal) I'll post the pictures i have below (from the ad's i bought off of). Neat little bike, very fast with 4 hp tecumseh, and loads of fun.

Then, about 3 weeks after finding my war eagle, i stumbled upon a Sensation Mike Bike. This one is probably a year or so newer than my old one, and other than the new motor has only two differences from my old one - this one has a small 'spring' where the frame joins the triple tree, and the kickstand is under the frame, similar to one's I've seen on the Sensation Chopper mini bike, and later Mike Bike advertisements. Pictures below.

Needless to say i was so dang excited about this bike that i had butterflies in my stomach until I'd paid for it and put it in the car. It's a cool bike with a (late model) briggs 3.5, runs good, and only needs an air filter/breather - trying to find a slick little high performance looking one.

You all keep up the good posts and replies, I learn something new everytime I'm here.

Thanks !

Robert C
Thanks everyone.

I'm not sure if i've got any pictures of my original Mike Bike..but now it's got me thinkin' to check with my mom, as she may have a picture or two. Anyway, if i find any i'll sure post them.

I see that folks have numerous pictures of their toy's, and the pictures i posted last night are one's i saved from the craigslist ad's that i bought them off of - so i'll take some pictures with my camera and post them.