Ruttman man

Can anyone tell me if this rim looks right for a Ruttman horny toad 68/69? Thanks all! Guy wants 200$ for them
First off..there is no such thing as a 68/69 horny toad. That name started basically in 1970 models. Before them they had a letter and numeric label such as D150. The Toads had 4'' steel wheels only...those are 5''. Second..200 bucks for those are a rip off. I sell mint sets with sprocket and hardware for 100 or lower usually.
Well obviously you know way better than me bout horny toads!!! Cause when I research them, they come up! But it must be a false bike! Not saying I have/had a 68/69 was only askin bout them rims!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what purpose that little disk serves, but what I do know is that your floor finish in your shop or garage is pretty nice!:laugh: