sig banners

were any of you on boards back when sig banners were popular? hell, maybe they still are, but no one has them on the sites i go on anymore.

i was going through some pics and came across the one i had on the mustang board and it cracked me up.

i also came across this pic that has my old 5.0 in it. that was some run we did to Pismo (i think) to meet up with a bunch of people from SoCal that were on the board. i think we had 10-15 cars on the ride down there so it was pretty fun. you can see me in my much heavier days in the blue shirt by the car on the left.

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I don't really understand this subject, maybe Hent can clairify what, why and if it is plausable?

TT out! :scooter:
If you mean you don't understand why it isn't allowed here, then that would be Hent's preference. They do get out of hand at times with some people putting full size pics in there instead of cropping them down or making a purpose designed sig that's the right size to start with. Probably tale up a lot of bandwidth. Might even cost extra if it's allowed.

If you're asking if it's possible, then I'd say that it is since it's a vBulletin board. Most boards allow this.
I do know what your talking about now. My least favorite forum; Maui Plumeria Forum has sis banners on the bottom with flowers and I cannot stand the administrator. She is a ****.

Matter of fact I am a major pain in her



Well-Known Member
I usually put together a sig banner for any forum that allows them.

That was a nice 5.0LX, BTW. Makes me miss the '89GT I used to have, but I have an SVO and a '68 Notch to take its place. :biggrin: