Simple mods for stock motovox mbx10 engine

Thanks, i might as well do a predator engine swap but I really need to know if a mbx11 muffler will fit on the mbx10 and where can I find one???? Are there any mufflers that will fit on the stock motor?

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
a comet torque converter woold be a good adition but a bit expensive. to woold give you better top and bottom end. and as far as the engine you coold shave the head doun for more compression and port the block. both coold be done at home but if you dont know what you are doing its better to have a kart shop do it. porting can be triky. whatever you do, dont pull the govenor on that engine, there are no parts avalable to make that safe.
Drill magnet bolt hole alittle oblong and advance put honda carb of 160cc boLt on,flip exhaust ,adjust governor all the way out and put direct rod for throttle actuation 15086146872901016620035.jpg 1508614807728172070012.jpg
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Predator 212
Chinese torque converter*
and just Hold on.

* doing a TAV setup will make you space the engine off the motovox frame to clear everything.
This makes you remove the stock fuel tank and run a custom setup... I've seen people bolt the stock 79cc tanks to the top of the frame there between the seat.

Torque converters are nice because you have the advantage of a 2.67(or close) beginning ratio then it transitions to a .95 or something so it is almost an overdrive at that point. Just make sure belt alignment is good and you don't put too much power to it.
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