Some info before using your new spray gun from HF or Big Lotts


Well-Known Member
Just a little tid bit if you recently bought or are planing on buying an inexpensive spray gun from HF, ebay, Big Lotts ect..... The cheap guns with the red, blue, purple ect coatings work great for the cost but one thing about them that will ruin a nice paint job is the coating inside the gun, after exposure to reducers, chemicals in the paint the coating comes off and will blob out into your paint job.... Before using the gun disassemble it and soak the head and metal parts in laquer thinner and get a good cleaning brush for the spray gun... The thinner will soften up the coating and you can clean it out with the brush... Yes it will also take the coating off the outside but thats just cosmetics and eventually will come off anyways... These guns are NOT anodized, they are painted with some sort of paint probably simular to the Metal Cast metal tint paint... If you want to try and save the coating on the outside just fill the cup (gravity feed style with cup on top) with laquer thinner a few inches deep and let it set over night, then disassemble the gun and clean it out..
Thanks for the info. I have one of the top feed guns and was going to use it when I paint my mini. You saved me some grief. Thanks again.

borntoride :smile: