Sparks coming from clutch

I recently finished my jonda clone 6.5 build. When riding the bike, after the clutch begins to turn the chain, sparks emmit from the clutch. After riding very very shorly, the sparks were still there. I did not ride it very long, about 30 seconds in total. What could this be? Bad clutch? Any ideas?
try lubing the bushing (do a search if you have questions on that) and make sure the chain isn't too tight. you want 1/2"-3/4" of play in it.

what kind of clutch is it and is it brand new?
im assuming you have a max torque ,comet or something like it, these have six metal shoes with a spring holding them from contacting the outer metal hub until rpm's force them.the shoes making contact to outer hub is what causes the sparks,clutch should lock up after certain speed & no slipage should occur.
Beer, Sparks associated with a clutch are almost certainly caused by metal to metal contact. Faulty shoes will heat up the outer drum to a dull red color but unless the drum is getting white hot; it's highly unlikely that the sparks are caused by the shoes themselves. Look for metal to metal contact somewhere. Most likely from the metal cage that holds the shoes in alignment. Examine the interior of the clutch drum. You're probably going to find some scoring indicating that cage is making contact with the drum. Good luck. Ogy