Spring time for Marx


Well-Known Member
Lets see. I gotta think about this. I can follow the words of 21 century commies that are OBVIOUSLY unaware that the socialism they are espousing has not worked anywhere at any time. Has not worked in Cuba. Total failure in the now disbanded USSR. No healthy nation in the history of the world has been able to make it work. Pol Pot in Cambodia slaughter millions but it failed. Stalin murdered and starved to death perhaps 20 million in the name of this type of socialism to no avail. These folks have not changed since Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto and it was published in the German language in 1848 in England. They still strive to ferment class warfare. Them bad guys [non poor people and ALL privately held businesses] need to be destroyed by the downtrodden.

Here are a couple of quotes from the Bible that these loons subscribe...Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto:

"In a word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend".

"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property".

Or, on the other, hand I can continue to support the ONLY political/economic system that has brought unheard of wealth and freedom for so many people in the world since their socialist savior, Marx, was born. That system, the only one that has ever worked is capitalism. The dimwits that made that recording should read the United States Constitution. They would then be able to clearly see that it does not support of facilitate their utopian ideas. But then, as it was posted by a member of a foreign country, for our edification here in the U.S., I suppose I should not be surprised.
I think its rather intersting the reactions of some people and the different directions we are pulled these days.

There used to be a midle ground and now there is not.
There is only left and right both dig in hard and both are becoming more polarized in their views.

With each passing year I have become more radicalized myself.
I used to be a centerist liberal, I even voted tory a few times.

Now I am not liberal and I don't think there are too many people here or anywhere who sit in the center on just about any subject.

Reguardless of what your political stripes there are now two paths forward.
One that insist on more of the deregulation and low taxes that I feel have lead to this mess we face today.
One that leads to a lot more regulation and the attempt to redistribute wealth.

As long as goverment today does not work properly for the bennifit of the majority there will be radicals and people like me will be pushed one way or the other untill something gives and there is change.

So is it realy spring time for Marx?
Hard to say, if we continue to look at the past with rose coloured glasses then we will never actualy learn from it.

Yes Jessie I read socialist newspapers.

Yes Oldsalt I agree with a lot of what you say but I also have to take that with a lot grains of salt because many socialist ideas have become healthy useful parts of our relatively functional and more or less transparent democracy up here.
I do no want to live in the soviet union.
I want to live in a democracy with level playing field and its that oppertunity to be midle class thats slipping away.


Well-Known Member
There, at one time, appeared to be some 'middle ground' only if you were a running dog of the far left. But it was just an illusion that the left leaning liberals felt was there because there was almost no voice [here in the U.S. of A.] except ABC, CBS, NBC, NY TIMES, LA Times, etc., etc. All clearly left leaning liberal media. The right, since I can remember, had no national media voice [except for possibly a magazine or two]. For many, many years the lefties took that lack of 'voice' as conformation that there was no real right; interpreted the situation as having a large 'central silent majority'. It was not true. The movement toward a socialistic, big government system slowly caused the right to begin to wake up to the fact that the situation was grim if something was not done to stop the slide to a Canadian style government or maybe a Cuba type. Like me, there were millions that truly believed that the rush toward socialism in this country could not be stopped and that there would never be a media voice other than the limousine liberal media voice mentioned above. Years ago I gave up any hope of seeing any real opposition to the pinko trend...had decided that being being active politically would never have even the effect of slowing down the total destruction of our Constitution by the do-gooders. But the idiots pushed too far and too fast and in the last number of years a new opposition to the liberal give-a-way, cradle to grave madness has manifested its self. So what does the left say? They say there is now no middle ground!!!! The only thing they have woke up to!

It is my VERY firm belief that liberal/socialist folks are math impaired. They have to be to harbor the foolish thoughts in their heads and, worse, speak it's content. Very fundamentally the economic system for the entire free world works like this: Raw materials are worked upon [by those horrorable , greedy industrialists] and 'value' is added thereby and the altered material is sold for more money. [Wealth is being created]. Others then take the altered material and make even more useful [higher priced] items from it. It is called capitalism. As people are required to alter the material as it goes from one step to another it is necessary to pay these people money. Here is where the liberals have their heads in the sand. They see it as a great idea to take as much money out of the production system as they can [tax the companies and their employees] and give it to the less fortunate and the downtrodden; the goal is to make everyone, regardless whether or not he adds any value to the production of wealth, [are you ready for this word?] equal. The OBVIOUS effect is to cause the price of manufactured good to rise to cover the tax money extracted from the companies and the individual workers that are, in fact, adding 'value'. Then the freebees to the non producers [the downtrodden not adding value] must be increased, by even higher taxes that raise the price of goods, to keep them from falling further behind. The liberals really can't see that as the real world. Not surprising to me because in my 70 years I have never met a socialist/liberal that wished to see the obvious truth that excessive give-a-ways to make a society "FAIR" is going to sniffle production of wealth and require a greater and greater tax on the producers and make EVERYONE poorer. Yes the spiral of taxation and increased cost of goods will continue until a few more folks wake up to the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch.


Well-Known Member
Lots of misunderstanding between the US and other nations but the most silly is the amount of political misunderstanding between the populations of Canada and USA.

The people of the south are, historically, incapable of seeing that Canada does not have a governmental and political structure as they do. And vice versa for the folks on the north side of the border. The huge difference...and I already know that my words usually fall on deaf ears....is that the 13 southern Colonies broke away from mother England and at that juncture adopted a thing we [on this side of the border] call the Constitution. Canada of course did adopt a Constitution when it became a commonwealth nation and not a Colony but their governing document and the USA document were entirely different. The great and basic difference is that the US Constitution was 100% a document that endeavored the LIMIT the power of the new Federal government. The average American is amazed at some of the things that the Canadian federal government does to its population. Often the folks on the north side are amazed by our Federal government's historic inaction in various things. Basically the USA is the United STATES of America. The federal government according to our founding document, our Constitution, the various States are responsible for health care, education, etc. etc., within their state borders. The federal government has, according to that founding document, no right to involve themselves in things that are "States Rights". That is the major reason folks on the south side of the longest unprotected border in the world are getting upset at what is obviously wrong. For instance, Universal Health Care administered by the federal government of Canada is absolutely AOK. In the US of A it is another outrageous illegal power grab by our federal government. Here is smacks of outright socialism. Our Constitution does not support such blatant denial of States Rights as outlined in out founding document. Bottom line. Cradle to grave health care and nation wide banning of weapons, by a federal government, is fine and accepted on the north side. Such things are not universally thought of by the southern population as being honky-dory.
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Lots of misunderstanding between the US and other nations but the most silly is the amount of political misunderstanding between the populations of Canada and USA.

The people of the south are, historically, incapable of seeing that Canada does not have a governmental and political structure as they do. And vice versa for the folks on the north side of the border. The huge difference...and I already know that my words usually fall on deaf ears....is that the 13 southern Colonies broke away from mother England and at that juncture adopted a thing we [on this side of the border] call the Constitution. Canada of course did adopt a Constitution when it became a commonwealth nation and not a Colony but their governing document and the USA document were entirely different. The great and basic difference is that the US Constitution was 100% a document that endeavored the LIMIT the power of the new Federal government. The average American is amazed at some of the things that the Canadian federal government does to its population. Often the folks on the north side are amazed by our Federal government's historic inaction in various things. Basically the USA is the United STATES of America. The federal government according to our founding document, our Constitution, the various States are responsible for health care, education, etc. etc., within their state borders. The federal government has, according to that founding document, no right to involve themselves in things that are "States Rights". That is the major reason folks on the south side of the longest unprotected border in the world are getting upset at what is obviously wrong. For instance, Universal Health Care administered by the federal government of Canada is absolutely AOK. In the US of A it is another outrageous illegal power grab by our federal government. Here is smacks of outright socialism. Our Constitution does not support such blatant denial of States Rights as outlined in out founding document. Bottom line. Cradle to grave health care and nation wide banning of weapons, by a federal government, is fine and accepted on the north side. Such things are not universally thought of by the southern population as being honky-dory.
:thumbsup: Amen, pass the ammunition. :smile:
I like Oldsalts comment about health care.

In Canada its more than A-OK its considered a human right.
People get up in arms about privatization for profit health care that is ) because they fear it will lead to higher costs and poorer service.

Now in the USA this is seen as a power grab by the feds...

I never looked at it from that perspective. Very interesting


Well-Known Member
I like Oldsalts comment about health care.

In Canada its more than A-OK its considered a human right.
People get up in arms about privatization for profit health care that is ) because they fear it will lead to higher costs and poorer service.

Now in the USA this is seen as a power grab by the feds...

I never looked at it from that perspective. Very interesting
Cool. Glad you took the time to think about my position on the matter!

I have been taken to task by Ausies and many times by Canadians when I used to spend 6 or so weeks at a time there. Usually, after a comment/question is made such as "Why do you Americans let old people starve? and children go without medical care? [these two seem to be favorites, although "Why do you Americans discriminate against everybody"? has to be a close 3rd.] I always try to explain the differences between the founding documents of the two countries. Then when I am finished the next comment is usually: "Why don't you change your government then"? or some such voicement that clearly indicates the subject is too deep or they don't what to hear any reasonable explanation when it flies in the face of the opinions promoted by government run liberal media systems they have been raised up on.

By the way, we don't let anyone starve in the US, nor can any knowledgeable person believe our health care system has not always been top notch.

I was in Canada a number of years ago when there was a country-wide debate regarding weather or not a $5 charge should be paid to see a doctor. I'm certain you remember it. I, with my background, could not believe my ears! $5 is what a McDonalds burger costs! But, the average Canadian thought, I suppose rightly based on the countries history, that was unacceptable and wrongheaded. I tried my best to understand and I certainly kept my mouth shut. I did not want the Royal Canadian Mounted Yaksmen, or whatever, coming to arrest and deport me after I had just paid $7 for a pack of Winstons.
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Cool. Glad you took the time to think about my position on the matter!

I have been taken to task by Ausies and many times by Canadians when I used to spend 6 or so weeks at a time there. Usually, after a comment/question is made such as "Why do you Americans let old people starve? and children go without medical care? [these two seem to be favorites, although "Why do you Americans discriminate against everybody"? has to be a close 3rd.] I always try to explain the differences between the founding documents of the two countries. Then when I am finished the next comment is usually: "Why don't you change your government then"? or some such voicement that clearly indicates the subject is too deep or they don't what to hear any reasonable explanation when it flies in the face of the opinions promoted by government run liberal media systems they have been raised up on.

By the way, we don't let anyone starve in the US, nor can any knowledgeable person believe our health care system has not always been top notch.

I was in Canada a number of years ago when there was a country-wide debate regarding weather or not a $5 charge should be paid to see a doctor. I'm certain you remember it. I, with my background, could not believe my ears! $5 is what a McDonalds burger costs! But, the average Canadian thought, I suppose rightly based on the countries history, that was unacceptable and wrongheaded. I tried my best to understand and I certainly kept my mouth shut. I did not want the Royal Canadian Mounted Yaksmen, or whatever, coming to arrest and deport me after I had just paid $7 for a pack of Winstons.
I always give your opinion consderable thought even if I find in the end I do not agree.

User fees are a sore point.
Right now in Italy same thing has happened and there is much discontent going on.

Don't keep your mouth shut up here just be polite and people like me will listen.

I think Pharma care is the next thing that needs to be added to the national health program. Studdies indicate ( by groups like the Canadian medical association ) have concluded we could cover the cost of all the expensive cancer drugs for everyone ( many now not covered at all by OHIP for example in Hospital ) with the efficiencies of one national drug program that covers everyone.

Thats probably got you chomping at the bit.
But to me its completely logical from an ecconomic sence.

Next thing we should do is look at changes to the pension plan to increase it ( we can afford it we have surpluses in the Canada pension fund because its run like a buisness )

Understand what I am saying though.
Some things are better managed by a public monopoly.
Some things are better left to the free market.
Some things need to be regulated.
Some things goverment runs should include participation from for profit companies ( sub contracting or outsourcing ).

Now when you step back and expect free marlets to regulate themselves. Your in for a shock because they won't.

I am not fully up on the US banking sittuation and who got bailed out but it seems to me Goldman Sachs was one of them. So they manipulated things screwed a lot of people and got bailed out by you tax payers.
Look what your bail out money help them build.
Motor City's aluminum factory
This is the kind of predatory Capitalism I am against.
Generaly though America is a decent place to do buisness with as long as the deals you close are with the kind of people who share your values ( that I suspect is the majority of americans who are not filthy rich and running the goverment )


Well-Known Member
Well, even if you are, as you put it: "not fully up" on the US banks that got bailed out why not tell us what happened? You know, how "they manipulated things screwed a lot of people and got bailed out". I, for one, am all all ears.