dont be stupid. fix it yourself my friend got one for free cuz it had the red ring. he wraped it in towels and pulugged it in for like 45 min and then let it cool for 2 hours. that was it red ring was gone. you basicly overheat the xbox to melt the solder inside to fix the connections. it will be a shame if you spend any money. look up how to fix the red ring on google and a bunch will come up.
Sending it to MS to get repaired, even if it costs money, is not stupid. Half-assing it at home by overheating the electronics to achieve an uncontrolled solder reflow, however,
is. Overheating is one of the suspected
causes of the RRoD condition. Besides that, you stand a good chance of nuking something that wasn't broken.
So far I haven't had much trouble with the hardware in my Microsoft game box, but then again, nothing in it was made by or for MS. :wink: