Tank Sealer

:confused1: Somewhere on this forum I read of this stuff to seal a gas tank. My Briggs I just discovered a leak while putting the engine together. It is a 5 hp. tank by the way. Anyway what is this stuff called :shrug: Where do I get some......
Damon Redkote or POR15.
I recommend them over Kreem.

Clean metal makes the best substrate.
You can thin the Redkote with a little Acetone to quickly coat all the interior sufaces.
Two thin applications dry faster than One heavy coat.
Let it drain out and give it extra time to cure
Kreem never worked for me. LScustoms sent me some Caswell red dragon blood sealer and it is a liquid epoxy that coats the inside. Worked fantastic.


Active Member
I didnt have luck with Kreem either. I think it cost me an otherwise saveable tank. I have an 87 350 Fourtrax tank. They have pickup tubes inside. The Kreem clogged the tubes. and didnt evenly stick to all the inside of the tank. Gonna have to try electrolysis some day to see if that will remove it.