I just bought a new throttle controller for my HS50 minibike. The current model has rivets, is there a possibility that I can just pry them out instead of drilling them out? Do I have to take off the housing if I needed to drill them, or can just drill them in place? Also, would JB weld be sufficient to secure the new assembly back on? I know, I am needy but I am brand spankin' new to all of this, but I am having fun so far! Can't wait until spring
I just bought a new throttle controller for my HS50 minibike. The current model has rivets, is there a possibility that I can just pry them out instead of drilling them out? Do I have to take off the housing if I needed to drill them, or can just drill them in place? Also, would JB weld be sufficient to secure the new assembly back on? I know, I am needy but I am brand spankin' new to all of this, but I am having fun so far! Can't wait until spring