For many years this site has provided a welcome respite from political talk. There are enough places on line to get that type of info and vent your feelings. It has no place here. Get you on over to Facebook or Twitter.
I mean to be fair this is the "Off Topic Discussion" section on the site so this is the right place for these kind of threads. I don't have Twitter and barely use Facebook so I don't know what all the talk is about them being political drama sites.
I realize that there are certain threads that shouldn't be posted and those need to be called out but threads like this whether you consider them to be political or not I feel are fine to post. If you don't like it ignore it and move on. I've seen threads deemed "political" like this be locked by mods before which I consider to be censorship because it is just people stating their opinion on topics.
I'm not putting my opinion on the topic at hand just throwing in my 2 cents on people's views of these "political" threads.