Where to change profile Signatures?

I see some people have a "signature" that shows up whenever they post, however, I'm not sure where to edit my signature???? Heck I don't even see having a signature as an option, but clearly it is because people have them...

halp! :confused:

Top right, click settings then on the left column click edit signature.
Tried that. Searched all over. Believe or not I am a Administrator on another forum that uses VBulletin...

Is it possible that you need XXX amount of posts before being able to use signatures???

Here is what my setting page looks like....

Maybe its time for a new one.... But being a supporting member is a good thing. Whether you have show it or have it hidden.
Okay, so the next question is how to become a $upporting member? And is that the way to enable signatures? You would think it would be easier to give away money than this!


