Wireless Power?


Well-Known Member
I hate to be a downer, but there are two things come to mind;

1.) Wireless power transmission has been around for quite a while, however,
2.) even if Intel demonstrated it without killing anyone, the long term effects of using it might. Intel says the human body is not affected by magnetic fields, but many argue otherwise.

The World Health Organization takes a rather neutral stance on the subject, but then again, wireless power transmission isn't yet widespread either. We may very well find out that it is dangerous 20 or 30 years after the majority of homes have it. Look at hormone replacement therapy for women; for 20+ years it was touted as a wonder-treatment until the last ten or so when studies started showing that it can and does cause numerous and serious side effects....including serious risk for cancer. :eek:ut:

Just my personal take on wireless electricity. Take it for what it's worth. :weld: