WTB-Headlight Bracket/Tail Light for Gilson/Wards/AC

I'll also throw out a want for anyone who could fab-up a headlight bracket. I'll generate an AutoCad file or a simple *.pdf to work off of. It's about as simple a design as it gets...
If it aint too much trouble can ya send me a pdf? I'm not using a factory headlight but I'd like see the measurements to see how far mine is off.
You want it steel or will aluminum work? I have a bunch of old road signs that I used for my bracket and that would be dead simple to make.
Let me dig through the pile and see if I got any 1/8 inch stuff.

Stainless all I got right now is 1 inch x 1/4 bar stock but its been cut up in 6 inch pieces (hey free is free). I tried to bend it to make some yeti locks and its out of my range unless I heat it.