Question for Drag Guys.


Supporting Speed Nut!
Blockzilla's don't make more power than a 3" Honda. A 3 disc Bully or Tomar will work fine.
A used one will cost you around $200 and new about $300
Any of those use #40 / 41 chain?
Not really. You would have to put it together. A premier Titan has a 40/41 gear but sorta hard to find. I'm the only one out at the drag spot that used that chain on a race clutch. I have friends starting to use it . Yes the chain is heavier but it last way longer and will not break easy.
You know what else?
Not just people in drag.

I have it on good authority...

Persons of colour, the farer sex and even minors ride ( the little kind not the ones that dig in the ground..... Upon further reflection the one that dig in the ground might too, but not underground..... OK they could underground but they would need to be diesel equiped with PBX scrubbers, have 2 independent braking systems and seat belts, wheel choks, a fancy air seat to easy the bumps and a strobe light.... OK no one would want to ride that so scratch the miners..... )