I don't get it...


Active Member
And just in case any of You are wondering..........:thefinger: YOUR CLONE STILL SUCKS!!!!:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger::thefinger: Love The Dr.


Active Member
Should it not be focused on a group of people who have found a way to have a lot of fun inexpensively? I don't care whether Chinese or US. We have a great forum through the generosity of Hent. It’s all about the ride for me. I loved restoring the Tote Gote, but my next purchase may be a Doodle Bug with a 6.5.:scooter:
And just in case any of You are wondering..........:thefinger: YOUR CLONE STILL SUCKS!!!!:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger::thefinger: Love The Dr.
Yes they suck in air and spit it out the back of the exhaust. Gererally alot faster than those of yesteryear.

BTW Im currently looking for a basket case Mini or something pretty cheap so I can start an old school build. I really do like some of the older mini on here. But everybody around here wants an arm and a leg for anything running. Usually a frame some junk 5hp briggs and they think its $300-500
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I have figured out here that there are just a few maybe 8 old guys that dont like the DB's but most of the time they just like to cruze the DB forums to bitch about this or that. And 80% of there posts in the DB forum are to do so.

BUT I have found lots of great information from most of these select few. 4 of which have posted here so far. They have great knowledge about how if fix different problems and I enjoy reading what they have to say outside of the DB forum even if it does not pertain to my DB's. I find that these guys are much like the old Fart in On Golden Pond and yes I have watched this movie when it was first on VHS.

Its the same old thing thats happened through out time. the old guys have a mind set and they dont like the yourger crowd. It happened to them with there HOTRODs of yesteryear the old people frowned on them also. We will have to deal with it and we at some point will be the same when we are playing with our 30-40 year old DB's and the young kids are posting on our forums about there new uranium powered scooter bikes.

BTW GTO I love you man!!!!!
Oh, there's more than 8 of us but only a few speak up. It's all in good fun. :thefinger: I'll bet by the time doodles are classics we will be making the bikes again @ slave labor wages for the :chinese: :thumbsup:
Oh, there's more than 8 of us but only a few speak up. It's all in good fun. :thefinger: I'll bet by the time doodles are classics we will be making the bikes again @ slave labor wages for the :chinese: :thumbsup:
I know it all in good fun. It gives something for you On Golden Pondies to do.
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You mean like "minibikes in general.com"? Maybe there should be a "Old mini bike" section since the "general" section ain't working, even with a DB section! Do you see any classic bikes spamming the DB section? :eek:ut:

Yet another poster that has nothing to say and can't take debate. so tamp it back in. :thumbsup:
see here we go again , all you do is put everyone down who does not follow the way you want if a person likes db's that's there f--king right to do so and if they like vintage bikes that too is there f--king right . and if the man that made this site for all of us does not have a problem then neither should you . if you wanna debate thats fine if you wanna get in a ring that's fine too !! i can express my opinion just like every other American in this country . you express your opinions and if anyone questions that you run your mouth and treat them like sh-t. just relax and enjoy things , you don't have to read these forums if you don't want to. so lets stop arguing . there is enough fighting going on i have spent most of my life fighting , lets just enjoy the good things we all have old or new. :thumbsup:
mini bike FUN

So.... I guess we need some new sections to properly compartmentalize the posters... I suggest:

Old Frames with New Parts.
Subsection: Old Frames with Foreign Parts

New Frames with Old Parts.

Old Frames with Custom Parts.

Custom Frames with Old Parts.

New Frames with Custom Parts.
Subsection: New Frames with Foreign Parts

Custom Frames with New Parts.
Subsection: Custom Frames with Foreign Parts

Hacked Frames with Old Parts.
Subsection: Hacked Frames with Foreign Parts

Hacked Frames with New Parts.

I'm sure we could have more... just to keep everyone in their proper place. :eek:ut:

So.... I guess we need some new sections to properly compartmentalize the posters... I suggest:

Old Frames with New Parts.
Subsection: Old Frames with Foreign Parts

New Frames with Old Parts.

Old Frames with Custom Parts.

Custom Frames with Old Parts.

New Frames with Custom Parts.
Subsection: New Frames with Foreign Parts

Custom Frames with New Parts.
Subsection: Custom Frames with Foreign Parts

Hacked Frames with Old Parts.
Subsection: Hacked Frames with Foreign Parts

Hacked Frames with New Parts.

I'm sure we could have more... just to keep everyone in their proper place. :eek:ut:

Or make it easy and just do OLD minibikes. :thefinger:
Guess what just happened?

My Ozzy brother in law called me tonight and was working down the street, His pressure washer died for no reason (Robin engine) and he broke the starter rope.

I could have said "DROP A CLONE IN IT!" But I says come on down and we fix. He comes in the garage and see's 20 something mini's and his eyes pop out. I ask him "does it look like I have a problem?" :biggrin: so we go over all the makes and years then fix his pressure washer (cord and water in gas)

THEN he says can we ride these? So I ask if he ever rode one and he says he hasn't been on a bicycle in 20 years and never drove a "motor bike" before . :eek: ,,,,,,,,so I give him the DB to ride :laugh: I figured if he dumps it who cares and it has a Tav 2 so he can't burn the clutch. :wink:

He starts off doing laps at two MPH then I say ok now air it out so he got faster and faster then it got to the point where he was going too fast. :doah: Boy was he hooked, he was talking to the neighbors saying "isn't this great mate?". :thumbsup:

Of all the bikes he liked a few of the bigger ones and kept going back the Taco because of the metal flake seat which reminded him of his Stingray when he was a kid. I think he called it metalized. I told him there where one or two brands of mini's available in Australia and he really wanted to get one of those bad.

Anyway, he wants to come back and ride some more . "cheers" as they say down under:drinkup:
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Guess what just happened?

My Ozzy brother in law called me tonight and was working down the street, His pressure washer died for no reason (Robin engine) and he broke the starter rope.

I could have said "DROP A CLONE IN IT!" But I says come on down and we fix. He comes in the garage and see's 20 something mini's and his eyes pop out. I ask him "does it look like I have a problem?" :biggrin: so we go over all the makes and years then fix his pressure washer (cord and water in gas)

THEN he says can we ride these? So I ask if he ever rode one and he says he hasn't been on a bicycle in 20 years and never drove a "motor bike" before . :eek: ,,,,,,,,so I give him the DB to ride :laugh: I figured if he dumps it who cares and it has a Tav 2 so he can't burn the clutch. :wink:

He starts off doing laps at two MPH then I say ok now air it out so he got faster and faster then it got to the point where he was going too fast. :doah: Boy was he hooked, he was talking to the neighbors saying "isn't this great mate?". :thumbsup:

Of all the bikes he liked a few of the bigger ones and kept going back the Taco because of the metal flake seat which reminded him of his Stingray when he was a kid. I think he called it metalized. I told him there where one or two brands of mini's available in Australia and he really wanted to get one of those bad.

Anyway, he wants to come back and ride some more . "cheers" as they say down under:drinkup:
I thought this was going to get real good at the end, like maybe you let him take it out of the country or how he ran it off a cliff and it burnt up. What a let down.
I thought this was going to get real good at the end, like maybe you let him take it out of the country or how he ran it off a cliff and it burnt up. What a let down.
I thought he was going to crash when he started getting cocky with it,, I even ran for the camera. :thumbsup: