
  1. 8

    Newbie signing in here

    Just picked up a new to me mini project. Trying to figure out somethings, Ill be asking around. Not sure how to post pics yet when i figure out ill post some pics of my new born.

    2nd engine/chain adjuster is born

    this one is $15 shipped it will be listed in the minibike parts section
  3. The Restore Kid

    A born photographer

    mini bike, 5 hp
  4. Neck

    What decade were you born in?

    Just curious what the majority is here (I think I know), thought I would have a poll. You don't have to make it public if you don't want to. Thanks', Cliff.
  5. The Restore Kid

    Born with a Briggs flatty...

    So.. theres Taco, Lil Indian, Totegote, Powell, Heathkit.... What ALL minibikes, karts,years, makes, models, came with a Briggs from the factory? :shrug: What engines, what colors? I have several numbers matching antique Briggs motors... But God knows what all they DO code out to.. :shrug...
  6. Megaflow

    On their way back to Japan where they were born

    I sold two of my restored Kawasaki Coyote's yesterday. They will be heading back to Japan where they were made. I have two more I'm restoring currently that will keep me busy, One of each.
  7. W

    Worn born

    I have a briggs 5hp #130202 engine on a kart that I've been working on. The problem is oil is getting up into the head. I purchased a new set of rings, installed the top ring about 1" down into the bore and measured the end gap which was .014. Now, I know I'm shooting for a gap of .002. Now...