
  1. Not so mini bike

    Under seat gas tank bracket.

    I am looking for 2 of these and OldMiniBikes is out UnderSeat Gas Tank Mount - Zinc - Fits Bonanza
  2. mrpat

    DIY Zinc Electro Plating

    I was just reading an article on do it yourself zinc plating. It seems like it is very inexpensive to get up and running. My thoughts were to possibly sand blast and zinc plate some nuts, bolts, washers, and other small objects on mini's to keep the corrosion away. Does anyone have an interest...
  3. H

    Zinc Plated Cat Sprocket

    https://OldMiniBikes.com/68T-Sprocket-for-Cat-Mini-Bikes-35-Disc-Brakes-Zinc-Plated.html Same as the Hodaka Mounts, only had a couple done... Will be making some new parts in the future, so if you have requests, we want to hear them. :thumbsup:
  4. F

    eastwood zinc plating?? anyone tried it

    Hey guys...I've often thought about replating old chrome parts at home..and came across the eastwood zinc plating kits on ebay....it looks like it does a really nice job on the parts, and they have lots of positive comments. Wondering if anyone here has tried it on rims, fenders, exhausts...