1970 rupp spoke wheels (Grimeca)


Well-Known Member
Looking for a super nice set of 10" spoke wheels fro a 1970 Rupp. They used Grimecas. some other bikes used the same style wheel they utilized the bolt on brake drum assy usually always 6 bolt holes, but I have had one in the past that just had 3 bolt holes drilled. Sun Warsaw also made one that was nearly identical as well.

Near perfect or perfect only please, broken or missing spokes are fine but the bands need to be VERY nice, don't care about tires or brake assy's either.

Buy/trade, also could use a 1970 roadster only rear brake cable (with brake switch) in useable shape, switch has to be in tact because of the build of the cable but I can replace the o-ring on it if that part of it is trashed/missing as they usually are. And a set of Betor shocks or good chrome from same.

Its for an original condition Rupp roadster I am working on:



Well-Known Member
BUMP: all I need are the wheels, no hardware or tires, must be near perfect. Not looking for a deal, just good parts $$$$

what I need:


Well-Known Member
Bump again!!! really want to finish this bike up!!!!

cash or stuff to trade if needed :shrug:
Got all sorts of trail horse parts (2 frames, fenders, brakes, steel wheels)

refurbished set of 6" go power II wheels, carlisle tires, drum brake



Well-Known Member
Still on the Hunt for a set of these, will invest up to a few hundred for a super nice set, even have the old ones for "trade in" if needed.

The ones I have now and what I need to match:

Probably quit looking shortly after the first of the year and nix the bike/project so let me know!!!
