1972 Briggs 3hp Monkey Ward....

Took this off a lawn edger 30 years ago, still had the original spark plug, (since replaced). Original owner said he used it 3 or 4 times. 5/8 shaft. Saving it for the future restoration of something that never materializes, (U know what I'm talkin about). Put a new plug and non ethanol gas in it last year started right up, and back on the shelf it goes. Dang good compression and super ouch spark, needs an air filter element, new gas and oil and.....Vrooom.
$60 local pickup, 32907. $80 shipped. Monkey Ward, what a concept

I don't see no Threads inside or out. I should of caught and Photo'd that befrore I listed. Drop the price by $10 for my goofing off. Love this engine but got to face reality, (Mini bike parts hoarding). Need an intervention 4 sure!