Advertising on OldMiniBikes


New Member
Hey guys, as some of you may have noticed I opened up an Advertising section a few months back. Advertising - Vintage Mini Bike Community. Forum, Photo Album, Projects and more

This is for people wishing to promote their products through OldMiniBikes - this includes PMing through the forum, and just general posting as well.

The classified ads section will remain free to those who are not treating it as a business, or alternative to eBay, but as a way to give other members of the forum and mini bike community a place to sell their parts without having to pay fees.

I didn't intend to have it this way.

Some people on here have sold thousands of dollars worth of parts, and think that $25 for a supporting membership is a problem. Now everyone who wishes to sell a product in an ongoing manner, will be required to purchase an advertising package.

Sorry for making it seem like I am begging for cash; cause I'm not. I just refuse to be taken advantage of and treated poorly.

So in closing, this has nothing to do with the Registered Member, or Supporting Members - Just the people who are using this forum and site to their advantage, and not acting properly.


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Active Member
Cool. Hope you can keep track of this. I like this site cuz I think we're a bunch of guys just trying to have some fun...and share our knowledge. Please don't let it become something too commercialized. That ALWAYS takes the fun out of it...and usually brings a bad element...
Just my opinion...
Thanks for all the hard work man!!!
I'm supportive of this Hent. You have a great thing going here and asking for a little support is certainly not out of line. I'll be signing up a supporting member, even though I'm not promoting a product. It the least I can do to help.

hent, it is only fair that you do this,need to keep the site in good shape,or we wont
have it to use someday,keep up the realy good work,thanks,wayne.:thumbsup:
I belong to the STEEL GUITAR FORUM and when a guitar is sold ,there is a requaired amount sent by the sellar. Its only fair and HENT has sure been very giving to all here.
I like Pete's idea. What's wrong with a small percentage going to OldMiniBikes for the use of the site for such things? Might be more of a headache then Hent wants to deal with though. More work on his part keeping track of commissions and what not. Maybe try it on the honor system, make a sell, donate a small percent to the site for the use? Just thoughts while my coffee kicks in.
Do the auction HENT and maybe i want get tomahawked so damm often in the last seconds. HEY how do those guys do it anyway??Living in south louisiana ,news gets here slow.