any truckers here?

im restoring my 74 ford f250 390 4 speed service truck and it came origional with a cb and a big antenna, and when i got it ther was no radio or cb, but thers the antenna mount and spring. so what do you guys think where the best 70s truck CB models with the pa option i should get, and what antenna? Thanks, nigel
Cobra 148GTL and either a Firestick or even better, a 108" stainless steel whip with the big spring at the bottom.

I have a Uniden President and it does some awesome talking with the 6' Firestick.
If you are going period correct then you definitely want a 108" stainless steel whip antenna. As far as the radio most truckers at that time didn't run 148GTLs because they didn't exist until 1977 or so and they had no need for the sideband. A Cobra 29 or 29GTL would have probably been the one you would use. But the 148GTL is considered the best. And the one I would use. For that time period it would have been a 148GTL made in TAIWAN R.O.C. With a white dc connector. The later ones had a black dc connector,then were made in The Philippines from approximately 1989-1994. After that they were made in Malaysia and the newest ones say made in China. The ones made in The Philippines are considered the best. After being made there,the ones labeled Malaysia or China,the quality control and parts tolerances were sub par. The earlier ones are just as good as the ones in the Philippines but you have a greater chance of getting one with dried out capacitors just due to the age of the parts.


New Member
Don't forget to put in a linear so you can shoot some skip or just be louder the the other bucket mouths 10-4 :thumbsup:
ill try to find a good shape cobra 29 for it, we got some in a couple scrap big rigs but ther junk. also where do you think the origional cb would have mounted?
My grandfather always had the combo radio with CB in every car he ever bought.

I am still partial to the 148GTL, but the older Realistics(Radio Shock) were good and clipping them they put out good power. Had one for a lot of years before getting the Uniden President.
just screwed in the 108'' whip antenna a frend got from radioshack, it looks better than the spring and base with no antenna even if theres no radios:laugh:. i want find out what radio the truck came equipped with origionaly.
I had a '77 F250 for awhile. Pic was from an hour before it got picked up and shipped to Indiana. That truck was a beast.

With about 2 tons of concrete in the bed. Sketchiest drive ever dropping that stuff off at the local recycler place. I will never again drive a truck that is so overloaded. edit: The rear tire was sitting in a hole in the pic. There was maybe 2" of tire/fender clearance on even ground.

How it looked after the guy/dealer I sold it to did some cleaning up (actually a lot). He sold it very quickly and made a decent profit. The market is absolutely horrible for that kind of truck where I live.

The full for sale ad from his site.

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