i found some
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random mini bike stuff. Was wondering if these are most likely taco suspension?
They likely are. Taco used a variety of Ceriani spring shock absorbers. On the web site (Steens/Taco) you will see ads that state spring, or hydraulic shocks, then a statement by "Mac" that this was in error.
I beg to differ from that assessment, because indeed Ceriani made both spring and spring/oleo (hydraulic) shocks at the time, and it is easy to see how some "could" have incorporated into the Taco line. The fact that the ads list both spring and hydraulic doesn't seem like it was a typographical error. Only that Mac had not ran across the oleo shock absorbers.
Do a Google search like this: "disassembly of the taco shock" with the quotation marks.
This site has the actual link blocked, which is unfortunate.