Bring Buck To Winber


Active Member
So i dont know were this tread is actually supposed to go but we all wanna help so lets do it. Lets get everyone involved in getting Buck to Winber. We need the walmart greeter there to welcome everyone :thumbsup: So ill start it off i got at least $30 on bring buck. He will have to chime in and tell everyone if he wants it send to him or to paypal. Thanks all


Active Member
I'm going to keep a weekly running tally. I think he has done enough for the site that he deserves to be there. Lets make sure he has no reason to not show
Damm Sheki...its gonna take you three days to dig it up...Are you sure you can spare it Juru :laugh::laugh::laugh:
He wont go anyways...should take up a bounty collection. That way I will go grab him Amish style and drag him to Windber and collect the bounty. Besides..TRK will need company tied to the roof of the truck anyways. Oh ya..dead or alive.:devil2:
Ill post the info for donations tomorrow afternoon and he won't get the money unless he actually comes. If he doesn't come it will get refunded to everyone who was nice enough to try
Wow, look what little ol me started with a half ass idea and the soon to be fading ability to remember a year ago. Obviously I'm in, sounds like Valocalrep has the point on where donations should go.

Hell I'm so happy this idea spawned I'm upping my original donation of $20 to $30. Let's make this happen people! C'mon Buckeye, you can't stay silent forever. What do you say to an all expenses paid trip to the minibike Mecca?