Carb welch plugs

Hi Guys,
When replacing the welch plugs in the Tec/Lawson carbs are you using any sealer on the edges of the plugs before tapping them in?
When I would do them on outboard carbs I always used a little gaskacinch on the edges.

I use (clear) finger nail polish as the Tecumseh Flat Head Service Manual States:

Welch Plugs
To install a new welch plug after cleaning the carburetor,
secure the carburetor in a vise equipped with protective
jaws. Place the welch plug into the receptacle with the
raised portion up. With a punch equal to, or greater than
the size of the plug, merely flatten the plug. Do not dent or
drive the center of the plug below the top surface of the
carburetor. After installation of the welch plug, seal the
outer diameter with finger nail polish or equivalent (diag.
How are you guys setting the plugs? I've been using a punch a little smaller then the plug. Try to only hit it one time to get dent in middle and seat it. I do use the clear nail polish.
I use a small file or a flat plate to lay on the carb, bigger than the plug and I tap it with a hammer. I have always dribbled thread locker on them, but I will try nail polish next time.
Never dent the soft plug.