I have been making gussets and cutting spacers and pretty much cutting most of my metal with a sawzall or cutoff wheel. Some is 1/4" thick.
What is everyone using to get straight cuts when cutting stuff? I am debating on what to get next.
Band saw? Plasma cutter(but probably not)? Chop saw with different blade?post the pics of what you have.
In my shop I have a Miller Plasma that cut capacity is 7/8 (almost never use it), a big victor oxy/acetylene torch (mostly use it with the rosebud to bend big thick things), an Ellis 1600 mitering horizontal band saw (use it a lot), a chop saw (never use it), a Roll In vertical band saw (needs repair), 8 or 10 hand held 4 1/2, 7 and a 9 inch grinders (use the 4 1/2's all the time every day, so much so that each one serves a different purpose. 1 with a cut off wheel, 1 with a stone, 1 with a flap wheel, 1 with a wire wheel, almost never use the 7's or 9, all are Milwaukie's too), Hacksaws, and the number one tool I use to cut brackets and patch panels and trim tubing and just cut almost anything that needs a quick cut is a Swag Off Road table for a Porta band. I have a deep throat Milwaukie band saw and after putting it in the Swag table with a foot switch, I don't know how I ever got anything done with out it.
A friend bought one because of using mine but he bought a cheap Horrible Freight band saw and it makes him very happy. The band saw is very loud compared to the Milwaukie too.
Here is the link to the Swag table. Small, portable and very very handy.
SWAG Portaband Tables
Best money you will ever spend for a shop tool that you didn't even know you needed.
Wanted to add that I also have an Evolution circular saw. It is mostly the reason the plasma is collecting dust....
But the cutting tool I use the most for fabrication is the Swag band saw table.