Endeavor with my '70 Rupp

thanks guys, Buck I actually put $35 into my savings.. then I gotta set about $10 aside for thirst buster money before auto class... and I'm trying to decide if I want my tires or shocks with whats left, since they cost just about the same. :shrug: I may just finish my paint and save whats left over if there's anything at all.

and the whole engine minus the carb and header is going to be that color orange when I buy more of it. I think it suits that metallic color pretty well, and the hammertone matches too. I'll probably blast some primer on some other parts before work.

Oh! by the way markus, I apologize for not taking you up on your offer for paint. I really wanted to, but the custom paint was more money that I really want to spend right now and I think it'll feel a little better when it's done if I do it myself, whether it be a work of art or a complete disaster. thanks again anyway. :thumbsup:
tiny updates.

yesterday before work I got a few more small parts primed, and today I put some basecoat on my rear fender bracket because it's small and I was curious... so here's how that turned out.

this is with three coats self etching primer and three coats of the metallic steel grey.. don't have any clearcoat yet. overall I'm really happy with the color and it matches the chevy orange and hammertone black just fine. I cant wait to get the rest of the bike painted. :thumbsup:

also, I was kinda thinking about my knuckleduster pullstart idea and decided to modify my pipe pull starter. I may have lost a few nuts on the bike ride from home depot but I'll end up getting matching hardware for it eventually. I think now my motor is more likely to pull my arm from my socket than to pull the handle from my hands. and I found out that somewhat thicker gauge cable does not fit in the pulley, so now I gotta go back to homedepot and buy the smaller one.. I'll bring the pulley with me this time. :hammer:

anyway here's my new and.. improved(?) pull handle.. I think I may have an issue with the rope hold being on the side, we'll see when I get it all together and if I do it's not a hard part to re-fabricate. :thumbsup:

what'chu think? :laugh:
bought some thinner cable and got the thing fired up, and Buck I actually found a method to the madness. If I don't get crazy with yanking the living hell out of the cord it doesnt tend to kickback as bad. It does take quite a few pulls to get it running but it does eventually get there without breaking anything AND all my fingers are in tact. so thats a plus. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

This video is kinda anti-climatic soundwise but you get the picture.. in person this thing screams.

so now it's time to drain that nasty "break in" oil, check under the head, and figure out why my crank is kinda rocking back and forth. Then I can give the little beast a paint job and she's good to go.

I'll probably do that tomorrow since it's an almost free Saturday, I'll get my frame primed at the very least. :thumbsup:
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feels great! :thumbsup: this is actually the second time I've rebuilt this engine but I don't think it'll ever get old. glad this project is back in motion again. :hammer:
finished my homework and went to start her up again to burn the rest of the gas fumes in the tank... but all I managed to do was create another dent in the tank so now I gotta bondo that out. also the cable ripped out of it's casing so I also gotta screw with the recoil for like the billionth time. hopefully the clamp will hold onto the bare steel or I'm gonna have to buy a impact gun to start the friggin thing. :censure:
I know how you feel, something always has to break, that's what keeps it interesting.
yeah usually, and if I'm the one making the mistake at least there's something to learn from it (hence how the bike has made it this far to begin with). But everything wants to go wrong RIGHT at the end of this.

anyway, sanded my tank back down to metal again and filled up the dents with some Bondo which..... did absolutely nothing... chipped right out of the dents while I was sanding it. :doah:

also Sunday while I was on my second coat of primer on the bare frame the new can decided to spit out a bunch of dry powdery stuff so I stopped for the day. Came back to it this afternoon and wet sanded the bad spots with 220 grit and repainted... here's a crappy picture to prove it.

might hit it with some basecoat before work tomorrow if the weather is okay.