EVENT: LONESTAR ROUND UP April 1st-3rd Austin, Texas


New Member
Make plans for the Lonestar Round Up this year in Austin, Texas April 1st-3rd.
Bring your Hotrods and MiniBikes. Best car show in Texas hands down. FLAT TRACK MINIBIKE RACES. I went last year with my 32' and during this weekend Hotrods take over Austin, at night go cruisin' on Congress Street with hundreds of other Hotrods and if you got the balls we can go cruising on our MiniBikes around Downtown. The flat track is a small one the straight is about 45 ft. so HIGH GEAR RATIO IS RECCOMENDED!!!. Last year we had about 30 guys show up for the MiniBike races expect a bigger turnout this year. If your gonna stay the night in Austing make your hotel reservations while you still can. SEE YA IN AUSTIN!!!

The 10th Annual Lonestar Rod & Kustom Round Up - April 1st-3rd, 2011 - Austin, Texas
YouTube - Mini Bike Racing
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:grind:hey man thanks that me on the orange flaked bike.
maybe this year i will stop falling down.
trying to put a motor in my henry J to make it back down .
great show.
I dont knowabout the driving down town stuff but there was some open area in the back that we might do some drag racing .
are you one of the yahoo's?
I talked to Blake from the Yay-Hoos while at The Day Of The Drags and it sounded like there might not be minibike races this year.

Girl got hurt last year.


New Member
I talked to Blake from the Yay-Hoos while at The Day Of The Drags and it sounded like there might not be minibike races this year.

Girl got hurt last year.
She really didnt even sustain an injury, just made a big deal out of falling in the dirt. Even if they dont have races I will still bring my bikes and so will my buddies, you have to sign a release for participating so there shouldnt be any problems.
Here is the video of the crash.

YouTube - Lonestar Round Up Mini Bike Crash
That girl did take it hard to the face and I think her knee got caught up on the handle bars. I think she was just shook up.
I hope they have the minibike racing that's why I drove 34 hours 1 way it wouldn't be worth the drive for me the show is sweet but 34 hours is to much


New Member
She was hauled out in an ambulance and had to have knee surgery because of that crash.
I didnt hear anything about knee surgery, even if she had a little bruise they would still have to haul her out in an ambulance because they wouldnt want to be accused for not providing medical attention.