EVENT: LONESTAR ROUND UP April 1st-3rd Austin, Texas

Man wish I could have taken off sounds like you had a lot more fun this year than lasst year when I was there.
Does anybody have pictures or videos of all the fun
I was able to take a few pics of some of the bikes that were parked and only one short video. the rest of the time i was running or waiting to run. there were professional photographers on the track, I'm sure those photos will eventually find they're way here....I hope.

Edit, here's the start of a thread over on the H.A.M.B. I bet if you follow this, you'll see much more pics later on.
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Ok, here's all I got. I had to cut my stay short due to an unforeseen situation, so i didn't get much. And the quality under the pavillion sucked due to the poor lighting and dust all over the place!

this is one FAST Frijole!

this guy had rigged this up with a grenade steer thingy at the top of the shaft to steer the front tires for a little tyke...lights worked too!

And then there was this craaaaazy Ford Nash right behind where we were hanging out.



New Member
I've seen that Nash at some shows around Houston, here's what I got; my truck loaded and ready to roll
the bikes under our canopy
the trike that flipped twice and ended up blowing its differential
Congress street friday night
part of our convoy
Thanks for the pictures guys think I meet you guys last year looks like you had fun. I am watching on the hamb. I will try to plan for next year