Exhaust Gains and Tuning???

Everyone agrees for the most parts that a header pipe is going to get more you more HP.:thumbsup:

For tuning purposes what pipe will get you better low and mid range power?
Longer or shorter?

Never see any nice short headers.

I know diameter will also effect this, usually smaller dia. does better in the torque dept.

How do the staged pipes figure in to this?
2 and 3 stage pipes how do they do it?

Has anyone ever used the crayon method to determine pipe length on a mini?
i beilive shorter it is gives u low end grunt when longer ones give more to top end but i always run bigest diamiter i can find for mine im using a loop mega fone pipe its awesome for top end
a smaller diameter/longer pipe will give you more torque. the more open your exhaust is the more "torque" you lose. what also happens is that a more open exhaust will shift your power band towards the higher rpms.