how to post Craigslist pictures in your post

this is a quick how-to for posting pictures from Craigslist/Ebay/whatever pic you want. the purpose of this is so you don't have to upload pics to here and use up your space or if you just don't want to upload them period.

i'm using Firefox and XP, so depending on your browser and OS some stuff might be a bit different.

if you have any questions just post in this thread and i'll try to get to them. if it is a question that has already been asked/answered, i will just ignore it so read the thread.

if you want to practice doing this, please do so in this thread:

here we go! :freakout:

i'll use this ad since it's it the first one i came across: Mini Bike 3 hp Chopper style

step 1: right click on the picture you want, this will bring up a box with a bunch of crap in it. left click on the one that says properties.

step 1.5: you will now have a window open up that says "Element Properties" or something similar.

step 2: you want to highlight the location of the picture. the URL for the picture will end in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif or something else depending on what type of pic it is. those are the most common though.

step 3: right click the highlighted part and left click on copy. this will copy the URL to your clipboard.

step 4: at this point you are done with CL and need to go to the window with good 'ol

once you are at the "new thread" page, right click in the area that you type in the message and click on "paste". in the picture, i already clicked on paste and you can see how the URL from earlier is now in the message box.

step 5: now you have to add the tags to make the image show. it is necessary to close the ending tag. this is done by putting a forward slash between the bracket and the '"i". i've highlighted the [img] tags so you can see how that is done.


step 6: once you finish typing your message scroll down to "preview post". it's right next to the "submit new thread" button. click that and it will give you a preview. you can make sure everything looks good at that point and then post the thread.

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Ohhhhhhhhh, you have FireFox!!!!!!! Cooooool!!!!! Thanks for making it simple. I know you have more important things to do other then dealing with stuff like this. I will try and Master the "Streegio" ways:thefinger: LOL, just kidding ...............thanks again :thumbsup: I will work on it in the test area....
it only took 20some minutes and that's because Photoshop wasn't always cooperating. i'm running dual monitors so it was hit or miss if the screen shots would turn out right. :doah:

That way works but does the picture get stored to OldMiniBikes or is it still linked to CL?

If I go through all that hassle to find and copy a picture to share I first save it to my photobucket account then post that link so it will stay active as long as I want it to.

I have seen far to many CL and EBAY posts with picture links that are gone after a short time (which is frustrating to post readers) so I just save them to my PB account so people can see them for a decent amount of time.

I love photobucket, its easy to use although they seemed to have turned up the ads a notch or two lately