I can't reply to a post in the classified section

Hi, I am fairly new to the forum but have already started a few threads with pictures about restorations I have done or am in the process of doing. My question is that I tried to respond to an item in the classified section and recieved a message that I couldnt do that yet. The three reasons given were

You have not activated your account. Please check your e-mail account for the confirmation e-mail. Which I have

Classified Section - You need at least 5 posts before posting in the classified section. This reduces a lot of spam on the forum. Which I have

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system? Which I am not

Can anyone help?
You cant reply for a reason. Noone can if im correct. If you are wanting to inquire about what the person has for sale? Then you need to send a personal message and wait for a reply....
You aren't doing anything wrong, the format of the classifieds has been modified to cut down on the extraneous chatter and non productive banter.
Just respond by a Private Message (PM) to the seller. Good luck on your purchase(s).:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
You aren't doing anything wrong, the format of the classifieds has been modified to cut down on the extraneous chatter and non productive banter.
Why can't that be done with ALL the threads.
There's so much non productive banter going on everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
This decision to ban any reply to classifieds has made them useless.
If you want to post a legitimate question that you know everyone else is asking themselves, why should everyone have to PM the seller?
Will the seller not get sick of mega PM's?
Do they have time to reply to them all, do they care?

Lame, just my opinion.
I understand the BS that was going on, but this seems to be overkill.
Disgusted Keith
I don't like the pm only rule. Problem is, I don't have time or motivation to deal with all of the nonsense. When people learn a little, maybe we can switch it back?