Illegal 100' Minibike Drag Race Oct 23rd at noon in Mass

So I had the chance to speak to Goma briefly about holding a 100' pavement drag race event at his place. He is totally open to the idea, it is a very long private road but the only thing is, the surface is pretty rough for the unlimited bikes. Not sure I want to be going almost 40mph and bend wheelie bars and unload the rear tire. Done it before, scary as F
For the stock bikes and modified bikes it would probably be fine just a little bumpy.

The question is could the surface be improved cheaply and easily? If so I would throw in money towards it. I love the 100' drags, it is super fun and the bikes are quick. Competition is close and everyone is cool. No one has crashed badly or gotten hurt.
I am not giving up on this, anyone in New England that has a lead on a possible racing surface, please don't hesitate to speak up.
My buddy lives in Portsmouth NH and there is a huge closed down factory with a huge parking lot that seems to be abandoned, might check into that. Surface looked ok from a distance.

Or if someone wants to organize a stock-ish race at Goma's place that would be fun as well. I'll speak to Donny again and find out about Thompson, there has to be a way to make this happen lol

Thanks for reading

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I've seen Thompson its huge, I'd love to race on the road course that would be so cool. or even just the circle track or just run around them all day without an official race. drags would be ok but would be underutilizing that facility.