Is Bigfoot real? Guess we will know This Friday.

I really want a suit and ride my mini around with thumbs up and video it.You could get on the net and say only video proof that bigfoot digs minis.
Understand the latest new is that it was a rubber suit. This hoax being perpetrated by one of Georgia's finest men in blue. This deceit resulted in mister officer now occupied his rightful place in the unemployment line.


Well-Known Member
The ding-dong at Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. states that the intent was to "defraud in a felonious manner". I gotta wonder how a TOTALLY fraudulent outfit, like Searching for Bigfoot Inc, could possibly be defrauded by any of their lessers. If ANY institution in the known universe knows for sure there is absolutely no such thing as Bigfoot, it would have to be them! So why would they pay to acquire something they know, beyound a shodow of doubt, does not exist? Hummmmmm.
So why would they pay to acquire something they know, beyond a shadow of doubt, does not exist? Hummmmmm.
A simple answer: Because they are dumb red necks. What else could it be?

Big Foot? More like big dumb ass cop who is now with out a job and looking at be prosecuted. Hope he gets a big taste of the law from the other end.