is my keyway supposed to fall off?

So I have a New predator 212cc and I ordered a max torque clutch, cause the clutch I have has a keyway cut out. when it arrived today and I went to install it I put it on and when I immediately took it off the key way part on the jackshaft came out now the new clutch doesn't fit, and the old one might. Is there something I'm missing or is it just a n00b mistake? Also my clutch sticks out like an 1/8 inch father then the end of the jackshaft.
Are you installing the clutch teeth inside or outside. Max Torque clutches come with holes for two set screws. Should be two installed when installing. One applies pressure on the key and the other the crankshaft. I've never had one come loose.
There should be a keyway cut into the crank shaft and an internal keyway cut in the clutch hub
The key fits into both to lock them together
The key is usually placed on the crankshaft first and then the clutch slid over it.
The only think holding the key on the predator is a little oil.yes it falls off. Pick it up and put it back in the keyway and slide the clutch on. Unless your clutch has a built in key. Youll figure it out...
Kay i figured it out it was too long but the one that came with the clutch is shorter and works. Soorrrrry....
My other question is am I supposed to have a space between the end of the crankshaft and the end of the clutch? I have spacer on the beginning of the shaft so my clutch doesn't hit my crankshaft plate then the clutch and both I have are a little longer

Sorry if I don't know the correct words ill take pictures if necessary
I had a similiar situation on one of my setups. I put a small spacer inside just to make sure the end of the clutch was supported. Check out item 171024889155 on Ebay.