its been a while Go Kart Cycle

Now that is almost 100% like the mini bike that I bought in 1967 except it had twin carbs mounted in the stuffer plate. Mine was red and I looked like and elephant on a roller-skate. I always thought it was a Flexo Big bear Scrambler. Information here on OldMiniBikes proved that it was indeed a Go Kart cycle. The round bearing mounts for the jack shaft are just how different the two bikes were. I remember the bearing mount broke when I had a crash and burn with a German Shepard farm dog. I got some big road rash and the dog got the boot. My father in law welded the jack shaft mount back on the frame rail and off I went for some more riding. I actually sold that bike 3 times and twice it came back to me. The third time was the last time but during the ownership of that bike is how I met Bud Berry who I bought his shop out to become D&D Mini Cycle and Kart Engineering. Your bike is super nice and I would love to ear it run.
What I am always here LOL That long weekend happened in El Centro, California where my Father in Law ran the mill at a big cattle feed lot. That was where I sold it for the second time but I still ended up buying it back but made $100.00 and just 3 hours. I sold the bike for $175.00 to a boy and his father said he would take him riding after his work day was over. But the temptation was too much for the boy and he got caught out running the streets by the city cops. The dad found out where I was staying and wanted me to buy it back. Ok but my wife went to the Mall with $75.00 so the boy took the hit in the cash and possibly a few from a very angry father. I don't even remember who the last buyer was.