I assume your using gasoline? I currently have a #34 jet in my yellow Raptor 3. It seems to run very well with it, but its not a heavily modded engine. It has a Dyno 98-3 cam, ported intake port, and a shaved head. I believe the factory jet was a #30, but I can't remember for sure. Now if your running alky, your jet choices should start in the 50's. This is the place I got my jet from. 34 Briggs Raptor Jet Kit Go Kart Racing Parts Briggs Raptor Engine Flathead Jet | eBay
The way jet sizing works is like this. a #100 jet would be 1.000mm, my #34 jet is .34mm. The #34 jet would require a #80 drill bit to achieve the .34mm if you wanted to drill the jet yourself. Here is a drill bit size chart. Jets R Us Drill size decimal equivalents
I think a 34 would be a good start for you, and if you pick up a set of numbered drill bits, you could make any size jet you want. you can buy a numbered drill bit set at Harbor Freight pretty cheap.
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