Junkadelic in tha House

Howdy , my name is junkadelic,, I am from the deep south, I have been a long time vw mechanic, and I restore early vintage vw bus's ,and i do like to drink a few beers while i do it. and enjoy the occasional vintage minibike ride in the twilite of the evening..Anyway i just found an old Rupp minibike. I believe it to be a Roadster. It is complete and needs to be gone thru.. but it was free.... What its worth i have no idea, would i sale it ?? of course but i may be into fixing it up if it is a quite rare little ride.. I will try to get some pics for ya//.,. Any body know what the little roadters are worth?? any info would be great. Thanxxxxxxxxxxx Junky.........corection its a Goat...!!!!!!!!!!
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