I picked up a couple of NOS Homelite 4 pedal reed cages that I will be putting fiber reeds on along with one I already have thats going in a Westbend 700 with a cloned go power stuffer. Since I will have some spare assemblies I was thinking about using one for an AH61 I have. Kat cart has their own that you can buy with or without the reeds, anyone use one? does it fit alright, etc.. or should I just keep an eye out for something else ( I just have the stock setup, Kart specific engine)
Vintage Power Products AH58 AH61 New Stuffer Manifold Go Kart Cart Minibike | eBay
for one of these guys:
Vintage Power Products AH58 AH61 New Stuffer Manifold Go Kart Cart Minibike | eBay
for one of these guys:
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