L.A Drag Spot.

yeah , the dvd has 7 vids... mostly from gooses youtube channel...
should be out by xmas,

lessons in drafting
Minibike Racing - Lessons in Drafting - YouTube

mini bike grudge racing
mini bike grudge racing - YouTube

LA RIVER RUN - Fathersday 2012

Funday # 3 featuring lobo
Lobo @ funday#3 - YouTube

Mini drag bike "x-con"

Funday #3 - (walk through, flybys on back the street)
Funday #3 - YouTube

Westcoast Minibikes - Barona Speedway 2012
WestCoast Minibikes - Barona Dragstrip August 2012 - YouTube
SupaFly need somebody to hold SupaFly hand because SupaFly is scary, becuz the world of minibike drag racing may just rip apart at its seams, SupaFly knows that it is not possible for the worlds fastest and worlds most powafool gx200 could be bested by a smaller briggs with a heavier rider? SupaFly believes that hopefooly Charles will be on here soon to splain that he was not racin, or why he was just pacing somebody or why he let off early to make it appear that he lost the race.:shrug:
Wouldn't ya know - it was gearing: 1/4 mile gearing for an 1/8 mile race. Go figure..... :wink:
Wouldn't ya know - it was gearing: 1/4 mile gearing for an 1/8 mile race. Go figure..... :wink:
:shrug::shrug: I call it an excuse!!

Its kinda ironic that this happened this way and now he is gonna put his bike up. Kinda sounds like a bit of pouting is going on, but lets see, maybe he will turn the screw and it will be right in a minute :laugh::laugh::laugh:
That's what I was telling him too.

thanks guys , this just goes to show that i have WAY too much time on my hands... ha!

couple things changed so far, but thats the idea..

might get more footage this weekend at the spot for 1 more unreleased chapter .... or i might not get enough footage and just release it.. IF IT RAINS - I wont go.
Bring out the bikes , even just to line them up on the street for a few shots...

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Stomach flu and possible ulcer kept me home and on my laptop figuring some stuff out , im new to dvd authoring headaches but me likey so far.. No template bs, all made from scratch.