Liability law?

I have a mower shop that I like to go to for some parts that I know that they'll have, you know the usual stuff like lead keys, spark plugs, the stuff that lawn mowers use that can also be used on mini-bikes, if i ask the guy for a mini bike part or a go-cart part, he says no i don't carry that, he says that he won't even work on a go-cart motor, or mini bike motor, if he is told that the motor belongs to a mini, or a go-cart, he says that if he repairs something on a gc or a mini, and something totally different goes wrong, therefore hurting the operator, he can be sued for getting the piece running. Is this true? is there such a firm liability law that it makes him turn bussiness away? Is there a law that might affect OldMiniBikes builders in the same way? Should every sale of a mini or gc, be accompanied with some sort of waiver. I'd been wondering what happened to all of the great manufactors of these wonderful toys that we cherrish so much, why are they all gone? Did that liability law run them out of bussiness? Is the way around the law, to sell a mini bike kit, and let the customer assemble it, therefore if something goes wrong, the customer assembled it wrong, What happened?

You are correct in that product liability has put a lot of companies out of business. A hazardous product(one that has a higher chance of someone getting hurt) is very expensive to manufacture due to high product liability insurance premiums.

If someone works on any product, they could be held liable if there is a problem and/or someone gets hurt.

Example: you help your buddy and put new brakes on his car. They fail and he gets in an accident. Are you liable - probably. Will someone come after you for restitution - maybe. So, is it worth it to help out a friend with his brakes - probably not.

Nowadays you have to think ahead and decide if the risk and headaches are worth the profit.
so if you want a snowblower motor fixed and the engine rod breaks and shoots throught the block and hits your leg they are at fault? i think its all bullhahahaha. but luckily the small engines arent much to fix


New Member
Everything is out of hand! Lawyers, Insurance companies, people want to sue you for looking at them the wrong way. :censure::censure::censure:


Active Member
The thing is if a shop fixed something then another part brakes even if he is not at fault he could be sued good chance he would win but it would still cost him a lot to defend himself.
Easy, Don't tell them it's for a go cart or minibike. I don't know if thats how it works where I live but if they ask me what it's for I tell them its for a snow blower or a pump of some kind :thumbsup:
What blows me away is all these stand up gas scooters and pocket bikes being sold everywhere but try to find who is the maker is and it is a wild Goose chase. Honda quit the three wheel product line from legal pressure being applied by big law suits against them. Some of the problems they earned and some they were victimized by the press.


Well-Known Member
The basic fault can be traced to the liberal do gooders that have convinced most Americans that if anything bad happens to it is not your fault. You are not responsible for your own actions or stupidity. All must stay in the gene pool no matter what. The fault must be business or industry or the evil capitalist system.
That's the thing, They drove perfectly good bussinesses out of bussiness, then the chinese restyled the mini bike their way, yea some of them are sharp, but have you ever tore one down? Alot of the parts, axels and berrings, belong on a bicycle, not riding down the road at 45 mph. Now if someone gets hurt, let's say the axel breaks and the kid flies thru the handle bars and into the tree, now what do you do? Go to china and get a lawyer to sue one of their companies? i don't think so. Things consumed in the United States, should be built in The United States.