McCulloch help please

Hello, all.
I bought an old kart with a McCulloch engine on it.
I don’t anything about these.
Can anyone tell me what I have here?
Someone molested the intake area of the block. Not sure if it’s detrimental, but it sure looks crudely done.
Thanks, guys



Well-Known Member
A couple things right off the get go if I pulled the intake top and seen that grinding work done I would be super happy. (It‘s probably not bad work)

that intake should have a pulse hole and a matching hole in the carb to intake gasket for pulse to that hL Tillotson. So all it needs is one fuel line in that makes for a very clean looking setup.

If you want to (maybe) find adaptable? Parts look on eBay for the engine type and there called gem Parts. So on ebay you would search something like McCullough engine gem intake. I have seen single and duel carburetor setups on gem intakes.
The rough, hacked up marks were an attempt to smooth the airflow into the cylinder.
The tall spacer, I do not understand. That appears to be the transfer area, where the piston's down stroke should be compressing the mixture in the crank case to fill the cylinder when the piston passes those three ports. I assume there are reed valves in that wedge shaped section below the carb. Can you get a picture of the bottom, or inside of that tall, square box?
I think back in the old days, they were all saw engines.
Does it run?

Unless that box IS the reed setup, I am curious about what it is.
That is a big, hi'flow reed cage. Awesome little engine.
I search Ebay under the category
"vintage racing go kart parts"

Great find, I assume it's on a vintage race frame?

When it won't start, step #1, put a new plug in it.