My Back Yard Visitors...

Great pics!

I'm less than 15 miles from mid-town Manhattan and believe it or not, I get all of the critters in the original post in my backyard -- and then some.

Over the past few days there have been several black bear sightings within a mile or 2 of my house -- this has never happened before. So, it's just a matter of time before I see one.

Pics are -- some of the plentiful deer (beautiful animals but a PITA), a red-tailed hawk eating a rabbit that he nailed right outside my window, the remains of the rabbit (he ate the head!!), a screech owl that I saved from a murder of black crows and a gang of wild turkeys cutting through my yard.

It's like friggin' wild kingdom over here in Jersey!!
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found this guy in the humane trap the other day. was hoping for dinner(rabbit), instead i got a new pet.
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This is freaking me out!! A pet possum??? How is it that that thing is not biting your face off?

I've had them in the trap before and they're as nasty as can be!! They try to bite my fingers when I'm setting them free.

One even doubled back on me after he left the trap and I had to fend him off using the hav-a-heart as a shield!

I wouldn't dream of bringing one of those things into my house -- and to boot, they stink!!

How'd you do that? Is this a trick or what?

See that grape? Stuffed with Valium.:laugh:

Probably should have dispatched that one, possibility of rabies or somethin.
Probably right. But the traps were set for ground hogs, which we were over-run with at the time. They are prolific tunnelers and had undermined a few nearby structures.

Like Judge Smails said to Carl Spackler, "Do you know what gophers can do to a golf course?"

Mr. take some awesome glad you are pointing a camera instead of a gun.........such beauty......thankyou for posting.........:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
A rare glimse of the South Alabama Wild Wondering Chicken.:laugh:

Wondering where it came from.:laugh: Just randomly showed up.:shrug:
