My big adventure

I've been working for the last three months and I'am done so time for some F'n off . My wife told me to get the hell out of the house so I did , I loaded up the truck threw my Powell in the tool box and hit the road .

My first stop was Willmington NC at my brothers Jesse's house ,I got here last night . The reason I came is to pick up the super Powell , it's being given to me without the motor .

I'am also putting together a Powell shoot out between my brothers and I . The bikes will be Doug's Powell with a Briggs raptor and a TAV , Jesse's powell has a NR racing stock Honda GX200 with and custom TAV installation .
Then comes my mostly stock E model with a stock drive system and a warmed over HS50 on it . They both claim theirs is faster and will out run my bike , I don't think so .

So Sunday I head to VA beach VA to Doug's house and next week Jesse is coming up and bringing his bike and we are going down to the outer banks of NC to our farm and have the big shoot out .
I will keep all informed of the race results .
The only way your stock Powell is going to beat the other two, is if they twist a belt making RPM. (The Hare and the Tortoise comes to mind) Make it a very long race, and you have a chance. :thumbsup:
Well Dave maybe your right but I don't think so . I forgot to mention that my HS 50 has a billit ARC rod and a dyno 255 cam and tec motor sports hot coil along with a nice port job and a little off the head . She will sing all day between 6200 - 6300 RPM's .

The raptor will blow at those RPM's and the Honda won't do it , so will see .
Well Dave maybe your right but I don't think so . I forgot to mention that my HS 50 has a billit ARC rod and a dyno 255 cam and tec motor sports hot coil along with a nice port job and a little off the head . She will sing all day between 6200 - 6300 RPM's .

The raptor will blow at those RPM's and the Honda won't do it , so will see .
The raptor wont do over 6K? I thought you tore up a belt on the HS bike. Recalling that, I was pondering what went wrong, but you never commented on it.

I've been re-engineering a couple of E model "driven" systems, including the tension arms and idler pulley. The idler pulley is flat, but based on what you said concerning placement, it sits between the belt, and engages the "V" side of the belt. I can see where if the belt felt too much tension for a second or two, (based on what the clutch was doing of course) then the belt could become inverted.

Placing the idler on the top of the belt would make more sense. I have never seen a photo of the original Powell idler setup as it was supplied from the factory, ie brochure.

On the two I just fabricated, I went with the original idler specifications, though the system is far more accurately placed on the belt. Now that I think about it, I should have used a V groove pulley instead. Just some thoughts. I always liked that modified Powell.
Dave I'am not sure what went wrong , but I think it is just to many RPM's . The one we had when we were kids did the same thing , tore up belts . Now I have some spares .
Well today stage 1 of the Powell shootout is done . We should have waited for Jesse this weekend but it was a perfect day so riding was done .
First thing I had to do is get the raptor to run , Doug had the screw all the way in so it would start but not continue to run . Got that adjusted and she ran fair , I remembered that he said he had an 039 jet in it and stock for the raptor was 037 . So we put the 037 in and that fixed all , she idles and starts on the first pull and will restart on the first pull . And it does all this without starting fluid ,amazing isn't it .

So we pulled them out on the street and gave it a go .I let him get the jump and took off we stay side by side for about three houses them I came around him and was gone . We lined up one more time and this time I didn't mess around , took off and was gone .
So what I have seen is the Briggs RAPTOR is not that impressive on a Powell with a full TAV . And the stock Powell E model with a warmed over HS 50 had its way with it in a bad way .