Need info from this kart

It looks like a Rupp Kart--can't see wheels clearly but they are not Turbines. Steering wheel is original. Has a Mac engine on it with a stuffer manifold added and flat back carb on it which was probably stock.It has a Rupp swing motor mount and the kart is set up to run dual engines by adding another swing mount. Pedals are original as is the bendix brake. What marking is on the engine--may be a 101 judging by the chrome cover but really can't tell from the pic angle.Good looking kart with period tires. A bit of work and you could run it in Vintage Kart meets. Check out Vintage Karts website--have a whole section on Rupp karts and under Mcculloch engines you can find how to identify and spec sheets on all there engines. Enjoy--I have a Rupp Grand Prix kart.
brad ., did you ever find anyone to make us some alley kat stickers .. and them karts are really uncomfey if your taller than 5-6 the seat back is moved forward about 3 or 4 inches compared to other rupps ..built the yrs after
Hello Steve!

No I haven't made much progress on the Alley kat stickers. I think Doug Hess may have a contact that has a very nice original Alley kat that may have a good decal to go by. I don't know for sure though. I haven't gave up I just been gathering parts for the restoration for now. The reason I am looking for information on this dart kart is because it has a Lindbeck intake conversion on the engine. This very setup was featured in Car craft magazine in January of 1962. I have came across two of these intakes but I do not have the mounts for the engine. I found this picture of this kart on the web and when I clicked on it popped up so that's why I'm here trying to track down information about the engine setup and the kart hoping that someone on here owns it or knows the person that does. Here is a picture of the intake and mount on the engine.

Thanks for any help!! Rupp_A_Bone_Go_Kart_Mcculloch_MaC_40_MC_100_Engine_4e71e3600af789766fb8_8.jpg