Happy new years!
Newyears day update: One of those sets of rims ended up back on the bike today ready to run. This black bike (not my red bonanza) still needs some upgrades but its getting closer to finished. I need a better looking seat, a front brake setup, posibly a new swing arm setup for the rear, a handle bar brace to stop them from moving as much and a mikuni carb setup. These kobby tires will make a huge difference when racing allowing me to corner harder with more confidence. Untill my red Bonanza is running this black bike is currently tied for fastest with my blue bike.
As far as the bonanza I tested spark today and that was all good so next comes a compression test as soon as I find my guage. thes thing was somewhat running before so its probbably something simple.
If I can't fugure out what is wrong with my hevily modified Briggs Animal soon I still have options.
2 Briggs Animals I was told run when I bought them and 2 briggs intecks, one bone stock the other hevily modified. As long as at least one of these runs I will have this bike running next spring.
There are also like 6 or 7 other motors of varing sizes and makes hidding in the dark behind these. welcome to motor corner! lol. I keep spares of a number of sizes and tyes because you never know when that will come in handy.