New England 100ft Minibike Drag Racing

Well I'm glad the rules have been posted, now I have a good idea of where I can go with my build.
So it definitely won't be ready for May lol
But I do have a bike that I could maybe run in stock class, who knows?
I could build 2 more bikes and then run all 3 classes LMAO!
I just saw on FB that they moved the date to May 16 :shrug:
that is very good news !!!! :laugh::laugh: my bike would probably not have been ready by the second :thumbsup: but if that is the case should have no problems !! see the location is the same wonder if they worked out the noise issue with the neighbors :shrug:

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I still have snow on the ground but I'll be pulling my bike out and getting it ready soon. I'll get the jetting right this time. last time it was wrong and the bike woolden't get to full throttle so i lost every race. I also had my trike that was geared to high I'll drop the gearing a bit for more bottom end this time. im kind of surprised that this years drags are at the same place. there were noise complaints last year that nearly shut the event doun. the spot we had to move to afterward felt cramped and the new no running untill the race rules they put in place made it imposible to do any necessary tuning. I wonder what there doing to solve those problems this year.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I'm going to this event but I'm not sure how competitive my bike will be this year. my fastest bike is still smoking and I'm not bringing it again until that's fixed. so I broke down the engine to see why and I think it needs a full over hall. I'm sending it out to be done but I don't know if it will be finished and back in time. I may be down to riding my green bike with a stock engine that isn't that fast or my trike that I don't think I should ride until the grudge matches.
I don't think I'll have anything rideable but i'll still be there. Was considering stock class and if I can get a new carb on the bike in time I might still do that. The Arco won't be ready by this race which I am building for the higher classes.

joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
I just finished getting my bike and three wheeler ready. on my green bike I pulled the governor and gave it an oil change and lubricated the chain. and on my three wheeler I switched out the driven spring in the torque converter to the stronger yellow one gave it an oil change and lubricated the chains. I was going to re gear the three wheeler as well but I bought the wrong size gear. neither of these are as fast as the bike I normally use but they may still have enough to win a few races.
Im just about ready. Need to mess with the wheeliebar and do some carb tweaks. I wanted to make the bike slower but I think it might be faster.