new guy from fresno


New Member
hey guys, just now gettin around intros:confused:

i'm a sprint car chassis builder, and big minibike fan.

i have an 07 doodle bug with a 5hp briggs on alcohol, custom alum. tank, no fenders or brackets, hyd. disc brakes, and a jackshaft so i could flip the rear tire around to keep the chain out of the pavement on left hand corners.(my buddies and i like to race around the shop)

right now i'm workin on a drag style mini. i'll try to get some pics up if i can figure out how.

awesome site:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
I lived in fresno for many years. Bet we know a lot of the same people especially as you are into competition cars. Years ago when Ed and Wayne Sumner were selling Taco mini bikes we raced them useing an oval and went around backwards so the sprockets wouldn't scrape, so I know the problem.
