
I went to one with my parents and we flooded the cities political buildings looking to all get copies of the constitution. There were at leat 1000 of us. The liberals were pissed and the security guards were running away from us. Obama ain't my momma.
Ya know whats the BEST part of it all?.... Us old conspiracy nuts are known for this stuff... I REALLY like the idea of kids getting even MORE pissed off than we are.. :crying: It's you guys's future on the line... Obammy ISN'T EVEN AN AMERICAN OR ALLOWED TO BE the King.... :censure::censure::censure::censure::censure::censure: Obama aint NOBODIES mama
Ya know whats the BEST part of it all?.... Us old conspiracy nuts are known for this stuff... I REALLY like the idea of kids getting even MORE pissed off than we are.. :crying: It's you guys's future on the line... Obammy ISN'T EVEN AN AMERICAN OR ALLOWED TO BE the King.... :censure::censure::censure::censure::censure::censure: Obama aint NOBODIES mama
100% agreed.


Well-Known Member
Buck Ofama. He's a socialist plain and simple. Redistribution of wealth is the core of every proposal that he has put forward. You guys miss Bush yet?
Buck Ofama. He's a socialist plain and simple. Redistribution of wealth is the core of every proposal that he has put forward. You guys miss Bush yet?
HAHAHA!!!! Buck Ofama is a GREAT one..... But no.. I would NEVER MISS ANY Bush... I shott wayyyy to good to miss that little :censure: stain.... You realize he blew up 3 of our own buildings and blamed it on a cave man with TWO airplanes then murdered the president of a different country just because he wants to own an oil rich regon don't you?... George Bush/ Dick Cheney was the most Evil pile of garbage to happen to this country since Obammy.... No matter WHAT we get for a President, King, Czar.... whatever you want to call these assholes.. We will NEVER have one on our side ever again... If we did the CIA would MURDER him like the did Kennedy... Miss Bush??? :censure: No...... I'd hit him repeatedly... and start at the knee caps and work my way up.... slowly... :censure::censure::censure::censure::censure::censure::censure: George Bush...


Well-Known Member
Damnation! I've Seen The Light! Had I known that Bush was out there blowing up buildings, especially if it was a total of three, I would have never mentioned his name! Especially if he used some perfectly good airplanes to do it. Glad it only took two to get all three buildings so, appearently, the waste wasn't as bad as it could have been. Them airplanes are expensive, I'm told. You can tell that I've lead a very sheltered life and have only been following politics since the early 50s so, I feel, I should be cut some slack by folks that obviously know what's really going on in the world. I don't want to be hit on the kneecap. Wow! The CIA murered Kennedy? I thought Ted died a month or so ago of alcohol damage to his liver. But again, unlike you, I don't have a firm grasp on these things.
Yeah... Evidently a fire ball traveled through the underground tunnels that connected the buildings and the third fell down in a perfect implosion style as a result.. Those guys are good.. Whoever did it.. :doah: Man..... They should do SOME kind of investigation to see just what DID happen that day.. Oh well.. I guess they have better things to do.. As far as Kennedy, I meant your president that was shot in the head in his car :gun_bandana: by evidently Oswald... not the one that had the skiing accident a few years back...
I went through high school, (got good grades too) and never really read or studied the constitution, just learned a few lines from the preamble. That's a shame, constitutional limitations (on government) and the Bill of Rights should be taught from 1st grade up.

When you mention to most Americans that the constitution limits the federal government to those powers specifically enumerated in the document itself, and specifically reserves all other rights and authority to the people, or the individual states, they look at you like you are a Kook, because they have never read it, but it IS in there, congress ignores it, presidents have ignored it for the last 100 yrs and frankly, letting the supreme court decide which parts of the "highest law of the land" they will support, and which they will ignore, has become akin to letting the foxes guard the hen house. The only way we will retain our liberties for the next 20-30 yrs even, is for regular, average Americans to pick up our founding documents and read and see for themselves how much freedom we have already lost, and how out of control the federal government is.

Bush and Obama are not polar opposites, they are just two faces of the same guy. They have the same agenda, same goals. Under Bush we saw the largest increases in welfare expansion since FDR, Obama and the Dems pretend to hold the "Patriot" act in contempt, yet they just voted (without a single nay vote) to extend the act, without any debate. The two party system exists only to create the illusion of choice.

That all sounded crazy maybe, but it is all true. I was once very active in the Republican party, precinct chair, state delegate etc, but all I saw was corruption, backroom deals with big business, and efforts to expand welfare to buy votes. As long as we are content with "choices" like McCain or Obama, Bush or Gore, Bush or Kerry, we will have no real choice at all.

Good for you, attending a Tea party. I have been to a few, salt of the earth people for the most part, seeking a way to peacefully reign in a government run amok. The rallies I went to were fun too, good music, food and orations.
I went through high school, (got good grades too) and never really read or studied the constitution, just learned a few lines from the preamble. That's a shame, constitutional limitations (on government) and the Bill of Rights should be taught from 1st grade up.

When you mention to most Americans that the constitution limits the federal government to those powers specifically enumerated in the document itself, and specifically reserves all other rights and authority to the people, or the individual states, they look at you like you are a Kook, because they have never read it, but it IS in there, congress ignores it, presidents have ignored it for the last 100 yrs and frankly, letting the supreme court decide which parts of the "highest law of the land" they will support, and which they will ignore, has become akin to letting the foxes guard the hen house. The only way we will retain our liberties for the next 20-30 yrs even, is for regular, average Americans to pick up our founding documents and read and see for themselves how much freedom we have already lost, and how out of control the federal government is.

Bush and Obama are not polar opposites, they are just two faces of the same guy. They have the same agenda, same goals. Under Bush we saw the largest increases in welfare expansion since FDR, Obama and the Dems pretend to hold the "Patriot" act in contempt, yet they just voted (without a single nay vote) to extend the act, without any debate. The two party system exists only to create the illusion of choice.

That all sounded crazy maybe, but it is all true. I was once very active in the Republican party, precinct chair, state delegate etc, but all I saw was corruption, backroom deals with big business, and efforts to expand welfare to buy votes. As long as we are content with "choices" like McCain or Obama, Bush or Gore, Bush or Kerry, we will have no real choice at all.

Good for you, attending a Tea party. I have been to a few, salt of the earth people for the most part, seeking a way to peacefully reign in a government run amok. The rallies I went to were fun too, good music, food and orations.
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


Well-Known Member
O.K. I stand corrected. So, after several anti Obama posts by others I will ask an amended question: Do you miss Regan yet? I will not never, ever say the word B*** again after finding out what he did to a bunch of costly airplanes or possibly some innocent tunnels. Sure hope I don't find out Regan caused the Katrina whirlwind thing or a few earthquakes in California or somesuch meaness. I think he was a nice guy because of that old minibike he rode in that movie.
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Well-Known Member
I went through high school, (got good grades too) and never really read or studied the constitution, just learned a few lines from the preamble. That's a shame, constitutional limitations (on government) and the Bill of Rights should be taught from 1st grade up.

When you mention to most Americans that the constitution limits the federal government to those powers specifically enumerated in the document itself, and specifically reserves all other rights and authority to the people, or the individual states, they look at you like you are a Kook, because they have never read it, but it IS in there, congress ignores it, presidents have ignored it for the last 100 yrs and frankly, letting the supreme court decide which parts of the "highest law of the land" they will support, and which they will ignore, has become akin to letting the foxes guard the hen house. The only way we will retain our liberties for the next 20-30 yrs even, is for regular, average Americans to pick up our founding documents and read and see for themselves how much freedom we have already lost, and how out of control the federal government is.

Bush and Obama are not polar opposites, they are just two faces of the same guy. They have the same agenda, same goals. Under Bush we saw the largest increases in welfare expansion since FDR, Obama and the Dems pretend to hold the "Patriot" act in contempt, yet they just voted (without a single nay vote) to extend the act, without any debate. The two party system exists only to create the illusion of choice.

That all sounded crazy maybe, but it is all true. I was once very active in the Republican party, precinct chair, state delegate etc, but all I saw was corruption, backroom deals with big business, and efforts to expand welfare to buy votes. As long as we are content with "choices" like McCain or Obama, Bush or Gore, Bush or Kerry, we will have no real choice at all.

Good for you, attending a Tea party. I have been to a few, salt of the earth people for the most part, seeking a way to peacefully reign in a government run amok. The rallies I went to were fun too, good music, food and orations.
You're right. Our schools have not taught anything about the Constitution for a long, long time. When I went to school [many years ago] it was necessary to pass the 'Constitution Test' at the end of the 9th grade or you couldn't go on to high school even if you had pasing grades in all other sujects that year! I failed enough subjects to keep me back that year but I passed the Constitution so thay let me go to the 10th grade and high school! It was important back then, now, like you say, If you admit to any knowledge of our Founding Father's wisdom in the greatest document the world has ever seen you are looked at like you are a kook.
You're right. Our schools have not taught anything about the Constitution for a long, long time. When I went to school [many years ago] it was necessary to pass the 'Constitution Test' at the end of the 9th grade or you couldn't go on to high school even if you had pasing grades in all other sujects that year! I failed enough subjects to keep me back that year but I passed the Constitution so thay let me go to the 10th grade and high school! It was important back then, now, like you say, If you admit to any knowledge of our Founding Father's wisdom in the greatest document the world has ever seen you are looked at like you are a kook.
:sadcrying4: Yup..... and it's doing nothing but getting worse... :sadcrying4: It's a damn shame.. The very reason any of us are here today, and they are letting the kids of today forget they are supposed to be free... :sadcrying4: as long as they have M-TV and Playstation, they could give a poop less.. :sadcrying4:
turftach:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: finally someone who sees this. Everyone that ive taked to hated liked bush, obama came along and they hated him. For what? Hes been around for a year, bush was around way longer and caused alot of shit. Like yuou said, same people. This oath site seems like somehting that goes well with the 911 truth movements. Sending it to my fellow conspirators now.
Well said Turftech.

Was at the 9/12/09 Tea Party in Washington and there were 1.7 million people there that got next to zip coverage in the media.

I escorted my 81yr. old Mother and she is fighting mad and NOBODY screws with MOM. She just got her first computer last year and she is on it everyday giving these clowns :001_9898: .

All were unbelievably well behaved I did not even see anything as bad as littering.
I was talking with a Capitol LEO and was told they were not prepared for anything this size and if it went sideways they were in deep:001_9898:
Sounds like they are gearing up for an even bigger one this year.
turftach:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: finally someone who sees this. Everyone that ive taked to hated liked bush, obama came along and they hated him. For what? Hes been around for a year, bush was around way longer and caused alot of shit. Like yuou said, same people. This oath site seems like somehting that goes well with the 911 truth movements. Sending it to my fellow conspirators now.
You.. me.. Turftech... and ANY OTHER American who SEES the truth behind this CORRUPT EVIL C.I.A (Criminally-Insane-Assholes) evil agenda and plots... Those of us who DO CHALLENGE the lies they feed us on the Boob Tube, their propaganda crap.... those of us WHO DO CHALLENGE them, are NOT conspirators, WE ARE AMERICANS!!!!! and by RIGHTS it is YOUR job MY job and EVERY Americans JOB to question our government... (FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!!!) WE the people.... the C.I.A murdered THOUSANDS of Americans on 911 with Tomahawk Cruise Missiles in some instances for christ sake..... JUST so that they could steal TRILLIONS of dollars of gold below the main towers, and wipe out a THIRD building with NO AIRPLANE AT ALL because the building housed records of corruption and could SHOW you the truth behind these big business take overs and Fanny May type horse shit... THEN used THAT as an excuse to declare WAR ON AN ACTION WITHOUT congresses approval OR EVEN AN INVESTIGATION!!!! :devil2:
That is like Adolf Hitler just DECIDING one day that "Walking down the street, is NOW at WAR with flicking a booger" :censure:
BY THE PEOPLE OF the People..... I NEVER got to vote to go ta war... I would have voted HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!! SO would EVERYBODY ELSE!!! THE PEOPLE!!!!!! Soooooo why are our people being killed by roadside bombs in a war against an ACTION or STATE OF MIND.... that I NEVER GOT TO VOTE ON????!!!!!!!!!!!!! :censure::censure::censure:
You and me and all of your friends are NOT conspirators... WE ARE AMERICANS!!!! :wink: Not bitchin at ya.... Just wanted to point that out... :lol:
Keep up the good work.. :thumbsup:
O.K. I stand corrected. So, after several anti Obama posts by others I will ask an amended question: Do you miss Regan yet? I will not never, ever say the word B*** again after finding out what he did to a bunch of costly airplanes or possibly some innocent tunnels. Sure hope I don't find out Regan caused the Katrina whirlwind thing or a few earthquakes in California or somesuch meaness. I think he was a nice guy because of that old minibike he rode in that movie.
nope Bud.... he was responsible for "Reganomics" You sincerely SHOULD investigate 911 for your self.... A couple airplanes, a few buildings and THOUSANDS of innocent Americans is just a small fraction of the sickening truth.... Your GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN will be forever enslaved to the I.R.S to PAY FOR a war without cause or principle.. We will be paying FOREVER to have out service men and women killed and horribly maimed JUST so the big oil companies can make a few extra trillion dollars.....:devil2:
.. It's not a joke Oldsalt... It is literally IMPOSSIBLE for the story to be true as the TV would tell you.. IMPOSSIBLE!! about 15 times over by THE LAWS OF PHYSICS!! ... I watched with MY OWN EYES as Georgie LIED about seeing the first plane hit.. NOT ONLY THAT BUT LAUGHED AND JOKED about it... :censure:
I wish I could make you see.. :sadcrying4: And if you'd watch.. there are several documentaries where very educated people will SHOW YOU the reality behind it.. ASK SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE that day... I would LOVE to be able to show you the facts and info that are there to be seen... and I gladly will.... I am not here to argue with you.. I believe we are on the same side... I just don't think you FULLY understand (or choose to accept) the full magnitude of the corruption that happens every day. :devil2:
You can mention anyone that you wish.. Even if I HATE George Bush with a burning passion.. I would fight do the death for YOUR RIGHT to feel that way... But no... I do not believe any true (conspiracy nut) Misses ANY president short of George Washington... :shrug:
You're right. Our schools have not taught anything about the Constitution for a long, long time. When I went to school [many years ago] it was necessary to pass the 'Constitution Test' at the end of the 9th grade or you couldn't go on to high school even if you had pasing grades in all other sujects that year! I failed enough subjects to keep me back that year but I passed the Constitution so thay let me go to the 10th grade and high school! It was important back then, now, like you say, If you admit to any knowledge of our Founding Father's wisdom in the greatest document the world has ever seen you are looked at like you are a kook.
Believe it or not my Junior High does that to this day over here in Liberal land. When I was in 8th grade we spent half the year reading the whole constitution analyzing it and and the end of the semester had a huge 250 question test on it. I got an A+ on it.