OldMiniBikes publication

I was just sitting here thinking (uh oh), and thought "wouldn't it be great to have an Old Mini Bikes monthly publication?" you know, like a sweet pic of a members bike for the cover, tech articles, builds, great places to ride, a article on diff parts (like compare brands of speed parts) a feature bike and write up of the owner, advertising, and maybe a "how to" series.

Of course this would all have to go through Hent. But i just thought it would be sweet. Opinions?
I was thinking more like subscription only. Not at check out. It wouldn't have to be magazine size, maybe like the size of a paperback book and about 15-20 pages. It would all come down to cost and interest.


Active Member
Most magazines of this type are having a vary hard time making it now, everything you are asking for is already on sites like this one and are free.

A friend of mine has been publishing a motor sports magazine in the form of a news paper for 25 years, mostly snowmobile and 4 wheeler stuff but also cover things, a couple years ago he had to go to online only the cost of printing and postage got too high.
The name of it is The Winning edge. I think they are still offering free subscriptions to increase exposure for their advertisers. Check it out and sign up.

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I understand that a lot of guys would rather come on a site like this than pay a subscription to a magazine but I would definetly buy a OldMiniBikes monthly mag. I guess I am kind of old skool that way. It would be really cool. If there is anything I can do to help out let me know. :thumbsup:
i understand that a lot of guys would rather come on a site like this than pay a subscription to a magazine but i would definetly buy a OldMiniBikes monthly mag. I guess i am kind of old skool that way. It would be really cool. If there is anything i can do to help out let me know. :thumbsup:
x 2 !!
I understand that a lot of guys would rather come on a site like this than pay a subscription to a magazine but I would definetly buy a OldMiniBikes monthly mag. I guess I am kind of old skool that way. It would be really cool. If there is anything I can do to help out let me know. :thumbsup:
this is exactly the way i feel. Im old school too and like the feel, smell and attraction of a book, newspaper or mag. Technology is nice, but for some of the older guys/gals, a publication (although small) would be awesome.
but for some of the older guys/gals, a publication (although small) would be awesome.
Funny you say that because I am 16 and prefer magazines. Though sites like this one are a quicker way to get questions answered. Once again if there is anything I can do to make this idea work let me know. :thumbsup:
I agree!...I'd love to see a mag like that!...Kinda like the old "minibikeguide"...I would wait for the next months mag to come to the drug store in town....rode My bicycle up there to buy it....Ahhh...them good ol' days.:rolleyes:..Scootercat....
Magazines are a lot better IMHO, you cant set on the toilet and thumb through the laptop as easy.... See magazines are better!!!!!
:laugh: Yep, other people usually won't steal your magazine once they know it had been with you on the toilet either :laugh:

I wonder who the right person to talk to about this would be? :shrug: